Vincent Van Gogh devoted his life to light. The light of creation, the light of painting, the light of God’s grace—and the light in humanity, mind, body, and soul. Join us this Lenten Season as we explore our Lenten Journey through Van Gogh’s paintings inspired by scripture.
3/5 – Ash Wednesday
Sermon: “Treasure Hunt”
(Painting: Still Life with Bible)
Texts: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
3/9 – First Sunday of Lent
Sermon: “Lessons to Learn”
(Painting: The Potato Eaters)
Texts: Luke 4:1-13
3/16 – Second Sunday of Lent
Sermon: “Farm Livin’”
(Painting: Sunflowers)
Texts: Luke 13:31-35
3/23 – Third Sunday of Lent
Sermon: “Natural Beauty”
(Painting: Almond Blossom)
Texts: Luke 13:1-9
3/30 – Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sermon: “A Plant in Every Seed”
(Painting: The Sower)
Texts: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
4/6 – Fifth Sunday of Lent – Communion Sunday
Sermon: “What Matters Most?”
(Painting: Shoes)
Texts: John 12:1-8
4/13 – Palm Sunday
Sermon: “The Rhythm of Life”
(Painting: Starry Night)
Texts: Luke 19:28-40
4/17 – Maundy Thursday
Sermon: “The Comforts of Home”
(Painting: “Café Terrace at Night)
Texts: John 13:1-35
4/18 – Good Friday
Sermon: “Bright Sadness”
(Painting: At Eternity’s Gate)
Texts: John 18:1-19:42
4/20 – Easter
Sermon: “No Words”
(Painting: Wheatfields with Crows under a Stormy Sky”)
Texts: Luke 24:1-12