We are glad you have found us.

Explore with us and discover the many ways to plug into all
Saint Paul's has to offer in and around the communities we serve.

Worship with us
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
50 Brookpark Circle, Lewisburg
(or join us through LIVE stream)
If you are joining Saint Paul's via LIVE stream,
click to download this week's worship bulletin
and join us on Facebook or YouTube
with the links below.

Vincent Van Gogh devoted his life to light.
The light of creation, the light of painting, the light of God’s grace—and the light in humanity, mind, body, and soul. Join us this Lenten Season as we explore our journey through Van Gogh’s paintings inspired by scripture.

2025 Special Events @ The Farm
Maybe you have heard, but we are a very busy church! All year long, we worship, fellowship, and serve during many special events. Click here to view the entire special events list.
Please check here for updates and be here when you can. We are not the same when you're not here.

We are a church that honors our traditions, lives into our future, is progressive in our theology, and traditional in our worship.
What to Expect
Whether you are considering coming for a visit or if you've been here since birth, our goal is that you will discover a warm family welcome each time you walk through the door.

Rebounding from 14 members just 7 years ago, you will find friends and family here and may even see a familiar face.

Our style is traditional with an inclusive theology for all, with great music and much laughter.

We are a friendly bunch,
so you can expect to be greeted warmly, like
friends and family, when you arrive.

Children are an important part of our worship and are always welcome. We invite families to sit right up front.

Wear what you are most comfortable wearing to church, we are definitely not the same when you're not here.

Communion, by intinction or individual cup, is served the first Sunday of every month and open to all.

"Let the little children come to me." Matthew 19:14
Children are an integral part of our worship experience and are always welcome to participate in our services. Please pick up an age appropriate Busy Bag for your child at our Welcome Desk. Nursery available to be utilized at the parent's discretion.
Our service includes a Children's Moment followed by Children's Church (a short lesson and activity focused on the morning's message). Children ages 3-Grade 2 are welcome to participate in Children's Church.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s
journey, you are invited to spend time with us.
Discover with us
Traveling together on the journey together is a large part of who we are. We seek to gather creating sacred, safe space to share life as a faith family, talk together, walk together, and be there for one another. We are active around the church and in our communities, welcoming all and spreading Jesus' love.
In Missions and Outreach, we take seriously the lessons of Jesus and the words from I Peter 4:8-10, "...love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you...” We seek ways to live out this central mission of who we are.
Worship is a central part of who we are. Our worship style lends itself to a traditional yet casual gathering. We strive for a cohesive message weekly in our music, liturgy, and preaching, and honor an inclusive, centered time together receiving communion celebrating baptisms, and exploring Jesus’ teachings.
We all have our own framing stories, leading us to learn and grow differently. At Saint Paul’s, we seek to offer many forms of faith formation from traditional classes to sacred safe spaces for open and honest dialogue about our struggles and questions, as well as hands on experiences to explore what faith in action can become, hope for others.
We are people of possibility who believe in the power of peace and are connected to God and each other through community.
"Best Church in the Valley"
in the Standard Journal.